Me: "Which would you like to eat?"
Noelle: (after giving me a quizzical look) "The one with the honey."
Me: "Why?"
Noelle: "Because it is sweet and looks good."
Me: (Wiggling the garbage spoon a bit) "Well, why don't you want this one?"
Noelle: "Because it is yucky and full of gross stuff."
Me: "Where do you think I got this stuff?"
Noelle: "Um...from the garbage?"
Me: "Right! God says in Proverbs 16:24, "Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."
We had a great conversation about how important it is to speak good and kind words to people, because people don't want to hear meanness and other garbage coming out of our mouth. I think this was a very powerful lesson that she will always remember!