Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saturday Morning Project

We took the children to Home Depot this morning for a free clinic on how to build a car display shelf. They had a great time!

Quote of the Day:

Nathan: "You hold the nail Papa, and I'll hammer it."
David: "Okay. Now remember...I'm a concert pianist!"


  1. That's Awesome! I loved the dialog to go with it! :) LOL! It's so cute to see your children with Daddy having a fun time spent together! So cute!!!

  2. What a neat idea for something to do with the kids that is FREE! I will have to remember that and look for one of those activities to do one day.

  3. Hey Roxie, from what I understand, Home Depot does one of these clinics every month on the first Saturday. The next one is March 6, and the scheduled project is a rain gauge. Nathan is already looking forward to it! :)
