Friday, February 15, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Beloved


A person who is greatly loved; dear to the heart.

As I was putting laundry away the other day, I noticed the current state of my children’s closets.  Clothes hanging precariously by one shoulder off of hangers, clothes that are too small or don’t fit are shoved in the back, toys tossed in a jumbled pile on the bottom shelf, random candy wrappers on the floor.

Scripture tells me that I’m my beloved’s and He is mine.  (Song of Solomon 6:3) 
It is easy to accept that He is mine.
I have gratefully accepted His sacrifice for me.
I love Him.
He is perfect…holy…worthy…Love.

I’m not.
He can see into the closet of my mind.  He sees thoughts and ragged emotions hanging on precariously by a thread.  He sees the struggle with thoughts and tendencies that don’t fit that of a child of God, and should have been discarded long ago.

Scripture tells me that He loves me.
And not only am I loved, I am “so loved.”  (John 3:16)

I am His daughter who is greatly loved; dear to His heart.




  1. Hi, Julie! I love your honesty. You are so right, He sees the clutter of our hearts and minds, yet He loves us anyway. Our God is an Awesome God!

    Thanks again for visiting me,

  2. Totally identify with this! My post was something similar but rather more garbled! I love the way you write! Tis lovely to meet you!!x

  3. Such a great image - the closets (oh if my girlie could limit her clothes to a messy closet! sigh!) - and how the Lord can look in and what we are 'storing'... great post! Great Truth! Visiting from Lisa-Jo's today!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Karrilee! Oh, and the clothes aren't necessarily limited to the closets in their rooms, either! lol ;)

  4. Love this idea -
    I am His beloved, even tho He can 'see into the closets of my mind.'

    Thanks for that image!
    (found you via Lisa-Jo)

    1. You're welcome, Teri! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  5. I am hopping over from Five Minute Friday and I am so glad I did.

    Just to know that He loves me in spite of my mess is more than I can understand but I am so thank for it.

    Thanks for the reminder.

    1. You're welcome, Amy. Thanks for hopping over! :)
