Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Serving Lemonade

At the beginning of the school year, my daughter was given a large poster to fill out information about herself as a fun way to introduce herself to her classmates.  There were blank spots for favorite food, favorite book, favorite animal, etc.  One section asked her to tell about a fun memory.  She chose to write about the time that she and my husband worked together to make a costume that looked like a mailbox.  Tucked right in the middle of her story was the following line:

“…while my Mom served us lemonade.”

What a surprise to read that!  It didn’t have anything to do with the costume-making process, but it was clearly an important detail that she felt needed to be included as part of that memorable time.

I sometimes struggle with wondering if I’m doing enough as a parent.  It seems like there is always something more that could have been done, or done better, whenever I pause to reflect on the past.  I want to do the very best I can to raise Godly, well-adjusted children who will advance the Kingdom when they are released from our nest.  Sometimes I fall into the trap of thinking that I have to do big, notable, or even extravagant things that will have an impact on my children.  Her comment about the lemonade was encouraging.  It reminded me that while I need to take my job as a parent seriously and do my best, I don’t need to strive as hard as I sometimes convince myself is necessary.  Having an impact on your children isn’t about supplying a never-ending string of “big events” or dollars invested, as the world would have you believe.  It’s about time…time spent reading books, being in the Word together, talking over dinner, listening to them, playing board games…

…and serving lemonade.


  1. Julie: I think as women it may be ingrained in us that we are "less than"--and there the worry. I can say that seeing your children once a week the past 5 years, that you are doing a wonderful job. They are a kind hearted, well mannered, thoughtful and know the Lord. So far, job well done!

  2. Good point Julie!

  3. What a beautiful woman of God!!!

  4. Now that my girls are older, they sometimes say things that surprise me...and it's the little things that they remember and hold dear, just like your sweetheart's memory of lemonade :-)
