Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Our Newest Family Member

Meet our new kitten! At first glance, he appears to be a black kitten, but in the sunlight he is a rich, dark espresso brown. He has a sweet disposition and is very tolerant of the children fussing over him. His name is Truffle.


  1. Oh, so serious!

    And curious. "What is that little black contraption she's pointing at me anyway?"

    Dark chocolate brown, huh? Well then, "Truffle" is just an absolutely perfect name, given your kitten's color and temperament.

    How old is he? Sometime maybe you could share some anecdotes of the kids' interactions with him. We'd love to read them.


  2. He it too adorable! He will ad some extra fun to your lives. Just keep his claws trimmed and litter box clean and everyone will be happy! ;)
