I have been blessed by “joining,” and I have been burned, badly burned by “joining.”
If you ask my parents, I feel confident they would tell you I was a pretty good kid growing up. I certainly wasn’t perfect, but by and large I was obedient, a good student, and hung with a good group of kids. There was one instance in high school though, where I got caught up in the moment with the wrong crowd doing something that we shouldn’t have been doing. The consequences were pretty severe. It was a powerful lesson to learn early in life, and while I still cringe when I think about what happened, I’m thankful for the experience.
I see the “blinking yellow light” in my head like a traffic signal. Whenever I’m in the car and approach an intersection with a blinking yellow light, I slow down and pause to assess my surroundings before proceeding through. Whether it is in relationships or use of time, I have learned the importance of using caution before joining. When presented with an opportunity to join people or a group or organization, I have learned that if I pause and allow the Holy Spirit to speak and shed His light on the decision before me, blessings follow.

Hi, I am visiting from FMF because your link was just before mine. I feel the same way you do. Not only do I pause before joining, though I didn't think to write about that, but I usually ask my husband for his opinion as well. He knows how busy I am and if the group would be a drain on my time and not worth it. Thanks for the reminder about heading the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit and being cautious before joining.