Based on incomplete information, she jumped to several incorrect conclusions.
There she stood, in the dark, at the end of my driveway....a total stranger screaming hurtful words--words that were unprovoked, unmerited, and untrue.
And there I stood by the front door, my children at my side...
Confused. Shattered. Broken.
Her words, bitter and sharp, slashed a groove across my heart and mind, like the stylus of a record player across an old vinyl record. The memory of that scene replays in my mind like a broken record, stuck and skipping. In my flesh, the pain and sadness mingles with rage at the injustice of what happened and the emotional scar it left behind.
Today is Good Friday. As I contemplate what Christ did for me, I am reminded that He is my personal savior. Isaiah described Him as a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. He understands what it is like to have venomous and untrue insults hurled at Him. Rather than rage at the injustice though, He responded with
Silence (Isaiah 53:7)
Love (Romans 5:8)
Oh to be more like Him...
my Father.
my Savior.