Getting the kids to school on time can sometimes be a challenge! On one recent morning, we made it out of the house on time, but my daughter discovered that she had forgotten her coat. She has been fighting a head cold recently, so I decided to bring her coat out to the school a couple of hours later during her first recess. She was in the gym, so I just placed her coat on the back of her seat and had a short conversation with her teacher. When I turned around to leave, she was standing behind me. Her question was one I didn’t expect…
“Why do you think about me so much?”
She then added, “I’m ten years old, Mom! I can handle being a little cold during recess!”
I responded with the following words, “Well, I think about you all the time because I love you! I know that you have been fighting a cold lately, and I just wanted to bring a jacket out to you so that you would be a little more comfortable.”
She thanked me, and we said our goodbyes as she ran back to the gym. As I pulled out of the parking lot, it struck me how much I am like her sometimes in my relationship with the Lord. Life has big events…situations when we know we are in over our heads and we seek Him for direction, wisdom, comfort, and peace. Life is also full of “little things” … those situations that we encounter every day that seem fairly insignificant and easy to manage. Oh how easy it is to get lulled into thinking that we can handle “the little things” on our own.
My encounter with her that morning was a simple reminder of the nature and character of our Heavenly Father. His children are always on His mind, and He lovingly meets each and every need. It also reminded me that I need to rely on Him daily…even in the little things.
“I have loved you with an everlasting love;
Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness.” (Jeremiah 31:3)
“I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Monday, February 10, 2014
One By One

1151. Sitting next to my friend M during worship
1152. Being an adviser for the yearbook
1153. That my "techie" husband solved my computer woes...
1154. ...and did so with incredible patience (with me and the computer)!
1155. Blankets of snow...
1156. ...and the hush it brings to the world
1157. Impromptu lunch with a friend
1158. Eating DQ Blizzards in a snow storm!
1159. Trees full of plump, red-breasted robins
1160. Being snowed in...
1161. ...which meant more family time together
1162. That we only lost power for a minute
1163. Watching the Olympics with the family
1164. Breaking in my new popcorn popper!
1165. Finding the lid to my favorite casserole dish that got 'lost' in the move six months ago!
Monday, February 3, 2014
One By One

1131. Christmas 2013
1132. Sampling my brother's cooking for the first time (yum!)
1133. The first day in six weeks she said she didn't have a headache from her concussion
1134. Playing Scotland Yard with friends on New Year's Eve
1135. Making a special breakfast New Year's Day
1136. When my pastor put his arm around my son and said, "Come with me, I need your help."
1137. Little lambs with their heads poking out of the tall grass
1138. Being a guest speaker at their school chapel
1139. Mint chocolate chip ice cream with hot fudge sauce
1140. Reconnecting with my friend Caryn
1141. That the first Whisperings All-Star Award show was a success
1142. Sitting on a sea wall in the sunshine, talking with my husband
1143. Wandering around Laguna Beach, espresso in hand
1144. Watching the sunset on a deserted beach with my husband
1145. When she asked her Grandpa if he could make blueberry pancakes...
1146. ...and he made it seem like a great idea (even though it was already on the menu)
1147. That she's learning at a young age the importance of keeping your word...
1148. ...even under intense peer pressure
1149. Watching my son play a piece written by his father...
1150. ...and that he did a beautiful job!
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