It isn’t something I often think of as a gift, but every time I draw a breath, it is because of His grace and mercy.
Each day
Each moment
…a gift.
I am convicted when I think about how I use and spend His gift to me. He graciously gives, and it is truly my desire to be a good steward with it…to invest it back into the kingdom, in hopes that it will somehow bless Him and others. Sometimes I invest it wisely…in my personal devotions, children, family, service within the body of Christ. Other times, I cringe when I consider how much time I fritter away…on TV, puzzles, i-devices. I wrongly assume that I will have tomorrow, next week, next year.
Scripture says that no one knows the day or hour of his return, and that He is coming at an unexpected time. As I see world events unfold and consider them within the scope of what Scripture says about the future, I feel more and more urgency to live an intentional life.
There is not a moment to lose.