Monday, November 5, 2012

One Thousand Gifts

646.  That she was in the right place at the right time

647.  Her tight hug...

648.  ...and prayer over me

649.  His safe return from Boston

650.  His tight hug

651.  Smooth passage through rush hour

652.  That the words of a friend and sister in the Lord I haven't connected with in 20 years, were perfectly timed and truly blessed me

653.  Ephesians 3:20

654.  Her loving and expert care of my children for an afternoon

655.  The sustaining strength of the Lord

656.  The courage He gives to push through and press on

657.  Realizing that His gifts are often more abundant and easier to recognize on the hard days

658.  Reading an entire book on the flight across the country

659.  That the hotel vending machine had Tylenol

660.  Getting to know my friend Sharon at Hiking Toward Home


  1. 656. The courage He gives to push through and press on

    Yes, yes, and yes!!!!!!
