1052. Seeing improvement and confidence in how she handles a horse
1053. Singing camp songs together in Subway
1054. That she made fresh squeezed lemonade...
1055. ...and it was pretty good!
1056. Seeing her hair in pigtails
1057. When her friend said that we were an "awesome family."
1058. First day of school 2013
1059. Pictures on the porch
1060. When she listed me as one of her heroes
1061. "Up" and hot chocolate with the kids
1062. A husband who has integrity
1063. Walking the loop with my friend, M
1064. The wonderful meal P made for me when I was sick
1065. My pastor who is faithful in his study and teaching of the Word
1066. When people operate in their gifts to bless others
1067. Birthday, 2013
1068. Birthday dinner with my parents
1069. That our old house sold quickly and without incident
1070. Attending a Precept Bible Study on a weekly basis
1071. Phone conversations with my brother
1072. Listening to my son's monologue for drama class
1073. His maturity in being able to accept constructive criticism
1074. When he received positive feedback from his teacher and peers for his performance
1075. A warm, dry home on blustery nights
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