I took the children blueberry picking this afternoon. I had never been to this particular farm before and was quite pleased with the abundance and size of berries!

As we got to work, the comments started flowing. My son said, "I like this way better than picking strawberries because I don't have to bend over!" My daughter just kept saying, "Look at the size of these berries, Mom! They're huge!"

Noelle was concerned about the occasional bee that would buzz by, but I used that opportunity to talk to her about the process of pollination, and that the bees are necessary! She asked if the birds liked the berries, and I said that they do, and that this is one of the many ways that God feeds the birds!

They really did a wonderful job and were very proud of their buckets of berries. I forgot to include my bucket in the photo, but we ended up picking 10 pounds in an hour and a half! They have already put in a breakfast order for blueberry pancakes!
Those blueberries are HUGE!! You make me want to go berry-picking!!!