Life has been very hectic lately, and I have had to take a break from blogging. I have done my best to continue to count over the past month! This is longer than my normal thankful for His gifts...
926. Longer daylight hours
927. Study guides
928. Gifted instructors...
929. ..who love their job...
930. ...and make class fun
931. Test results that come back benign
932. Decluttering
933. Packing tape
934. My son's perseverance with a piano piece he is struggling with
935. The joy on her face when she dances
936. That the rain held off during her outdoor performance
937. Friends who love and support our children
938. Two geese safely herding about 20 baby goslings across the highway
939. Monster cookies
940. That he passed his piano piece!
941. Finding local companies that have integrity and a strong work ethic
942. People who work quickly to right a wrong
943. Discovering a new chocolate factory
944. Touring the factory
945. Learning that their chocolate is organic, fair trade, and non GMO
946. All the chocolate samples we could eat!
947. Getting a hug from a cousin I haven't seen in a few years
948. When He meets our needs before we ask
949. Friends who are sensitive to the Spirit and respond to His prompts
950. Driving through Snoqualmie Pass
951. State of the art concert venues
952. Getting a hug from
another cousin I hadn't seen in at least 10 years!
953. Spending a day playing board games with friends
954. Homemade vanilla ice cream with fresh strawberries
955. That he got an emergency chiropractic appointment
956. Seeing how our friends' children have grown and matured
957. Learning to play Carcassonne
958. Sitting by the fire pit on a cool spring night
959. Ooey gooey s'mores
960. Learning all kinds of tips and tricks from my sweet friend
961. Visiting Shoshone Falls
962. Hiking near the Falls
963. A beautiful ham dinner (complete with dessert!) with our friends
964. Listening to the kids play flashlight tag
965. Random, quirky markets in the middle of nowhere
966. Stopping to pray
967. Discovering a new flavor of tea
968. Listening to thunder rumble outside while he plays the piano
969. Cookies for Mother's Day
970. Her wonderful homemade card complete with rainbows and a sweet message
971. Mother's Day brunch with friends
972. Watching base jumpers in the Snake River Canyon
973. Roadrunners
974. Arriving home to a clean house
975. Friends who drove a half hour to meet us at the ER...
976. ...just to give us a hug and be supportive
977. His successful CD release concert
978. Two well-deserved standing ovations
979. Post-concert feedback that told him how much the night ministered to others
980. The homemade dinner my parents brought to help ease us into another busy week
981. The dental tool my daughter's hygienist gave me to help care for her teeth
982. My beautiful mom, so full of grace and so understanding and quick to forgive...
983. ...when I felt forgiveness was needed, she insisted it wasn't, but gave it anyway
984. Coffee with my sweet friend Becky
985. That my children love simple dinners like soup and salad
986. Tech savvy friends who helped me find lost data on my phone